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Mariella Avatar

UD Maui Wowie single – a heartbreakingly beautiful but virtually unwearable shadow; MAC Orb (I never use it but it was one of my 2 first MAC eyeshadows so I feel I should keep it) and also from MAC, the She Who Dares e/s duo from the Venomous Villains collection. I never wear it except at Halloween, when I use it for my witch makeup (it’s great for under my eyes to make my eye circles look REALLY witchy and the rest of my face greenish and ghastly; but it’s such a wacky e/s duo that I don’t think I’ll ever part with it).

Nancy T Avatar

Oh, for me, there’s way more that really needs to go than just three! Lots of eyeshadow palettes that haven’t seen any love or usage in literally years, quite a few crayon smelling MAC lipsticks, most of my eyeshadow primers simply because I think that my eyes react to something in them. And also any dried out eye and lip pencils!

Raven Avatar

I recently did a reorg/declutter so at the moment the only thing I can think of is my currently open Lorac Behind The Scenes Eye Primer, which is a good primer for me but after about three-quarters of use the rest seems to be too hard to use or even squeeze out. Maybe some air got in the tube or something.

Nina Avatar

I have about three Revlon lipsticks that are going out. For five years I swore by the Super Lustrous and they worked but I’ve outgrown them and the three are pretty used up. I’ve really been on a pH balanced lipstick kick for months. I Daily wear Winky Lux Confetti and just finished a Poppy King Frog Princess and just read an interview with Poppy and she’s bringing back Frog Princess in October’23 I am a happy woman !

Genevieve Avatar

Now that’s interesting because I was think about having a bit of a declutter, both makeup wise and clothes wise. The three things that I could immediately declutter include:
1. Dior’s Jardin quad – really not up to scratch and the poorer version of my beloved Bonne Etoile
2. Clarin’s Red Terra Jolie Rouge lipstick that has just about finished
3. Fenty’s Filter Pro Matte foundation – I used it at the weekend and it was just terrible – patchy, hard to spread evenly across my face and clung to some dry patches.

Helene Avatar

I think I have done that already, but there are lots more that need to go.
An old Dior lipstick, it smells wrong, but it’s still lovely on my lips.
MAC Lady Danger doesn’t apply the way it used to, it seems to separate.
I really should let PMG Bronze Seduction, or what it’s called go, I never use it, I don’t like it, I have no idea why I thought it would be right for me. The only thing that makes me keep it is the cost of it.
Oh, I know, I have a lip duo from Haus Lab, it’s oldish, very drying on my lips and not flattering. I’ll declutter that instead of the PMG palette!

I do have a box filled with try on and then keep or toss products, the problem is that I haven’t felt like trying anything on, there are some cheaper palettes, some lip products, probably some pencils.
Decluttering, not as easy as one would think! 🙂

Pteetsa Avatar

Well, I just did a massive declutter of my makeup collection, mostly threw out liquid and creams that were old. Just this weekend, I weeded out my perfume collection to donate most of them. One of my cats is very sensitive to scents, and I don’t work in an office anymore anyway, so time to free up some space for stuff I do use – like makeup!

Liz Avatar

– It cosmetics Superhero mascara
– Too Faced lift and sculp brow gel (jen phelps did me wrong!)
– Patrick Ta’s double blushes – I have three, but the lasting power is just not there.

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